1. 设备选型:我们为购物中心精选了市场上最先进的无障碍无感通道闸机门,该设备采用先进的传感器技术和人脸识别系统,能够实现快速、准确的身份验证和通行控制,同时支持轮椅、婴儿车等无障碍通行。
2. 安装调试:为确保设备能够顺利运行,缘通租赁的专业技术团队在短时间内完成了设备的安装调试工作。他们不仅对设备进行了全面的测试,还根据购物中心的实际情况,对设备的运行参数进行了优化调整。
3. 租赁服务:我们为客户提供了灵活的租赁期限选择,以及包括设备维护、故障处理在内的全方位服务保障。在租赁期间,客户无需担心设备的维护问题,我们的技术人员将随时待命,确保设备的正常运行。
1. 顾客满意度提升:无障碍无感通道闸机门的引入,使得顾客在进出购物中心时无需排队等待,大大节省了时间。同时,设备的智能化设计也为顾客带来了更加便捷、舒适的购物体验。
2. 安全管理水平提高:通过人脸识别系统,购物中心能够准确识别并记录每一位顾客的进出信息,有效防止了非法闯入等安全隐患的发生。此外,设备的无障碍设计也确保了老年人和残障人士的通行安全。
3. 成本节约:相较于直接购买设备,短期租赁的方式为购物中心节省了大量的资金成本。同时,由于我们提供了全面的服务保障,购物中心无需额外招聘技术人员进行设备维护,进一步降低了运营成本。
**English Translation**
**Successful Case of Barrier-Free and Non-intrusive Access Gate Rental in Xiangfan, Hubei**
In Xiangfan, a city with a long history and vibrant vitality in Hubei Province, Yuantong Rental has become a trusted partner for many enterprises and institutions with its professional services and high-quality equipment. Today, we share a successful case about the rental service of barrier-free and non-intrusive access gates to see how our short-term rental service has helped clients achieve efficient management and convenient passage.
I. Background of Client Needs
A large shopping mall in Xiangfan decided to upgrade its entrances and exits with intelligent systems during the upcoming festival season to enhance customer experience. Considering the large flow of people and the presence of many elderly and disabled individuals, mall managers hoped to introduce a safe and convenient barrier-free and non-intrusive access gate system. However, due to limited budget and tight renovation timelines, the shopping mall chose to adopt a short-term rental approach to solve this problem.
II. Solution Provided by Yuantong Rental
Upon learning of the clients needs, Yuantong Rental responded quickly and provided a customized rental solution for barrier-free and non-intrusive access gates. The solution not only met the shopping malls requirements for safe, convenient, and barrier-free passage but also fully considered the ease of use and maintenance costs of the equipment.
1. Equipment Selection: We selected the most advanced barrier-free and non-intrusive access gates on the market for the shopping mall. These gates use advanced sensor technology and facial recognition systems to achieve rapid and accurate identity verification and access control, while supporting wheelchair, baby stroller, and other barrier-free passages.
2. Installation and Debugging: To ensure the smooth operation of the equipment, the
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